UDM Congratulates the Revelation Spiritual Home on their New Year Crossover Night Celebration and Annual Pilgrimage

2024-08-01T12:06:42+02:00August 1st, 2024|2024 Archive, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Statement by Yongama Zigebe, Councillor in the City of Johannesburg for the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) [...]

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Speech in the National Assembly by Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP during the Budget vote 23 and 26 Defence and Military Veterans

2024-07-17T09:16:44+02:00July 15th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Defence, Military Veterans, Speeches|

Speech in the National Assembly by Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP during the Budget [...]

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UDM welcomes announcement of new cabinet and congratulates President Holomisa on appointment as Deputy Minister of Defence

2024-06-30T23:39:42+02:00June 30th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Government of National Unity, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Statement by Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) welcomes the announcement [...]

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The 10 Point Plan – A Manifesto for the Eastern Cape

2024-05-24T17:13:40+02:00May 24th, 2024|2024 Archive, 2024 Election Campaign, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Bantu Holomisa, Crime, Economy, Health, Higher and Basic Education, Infrastructure development, Job creation, Police, Poverty, Tourism, Traditional leadership, Transport, UDM Eastern Cape, Water & sanitation|

Click here of for a downloadable copy of the UDM's Ten Point Plan in PDF format. 1. Provincial Government [...]

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UDEMWO: Criminal justice system moves at a frustratingly slow pace in prosecuting perpetrators of gender-based violence, prolonging the anguish for victims

2024-05-11T08:19:34+02:00May 11th, 2024|2024 Archive, Gender-based violence, Justice, Opinion Pieces, Thandi Nontenja, Women's Issues|

Opinion Article by Thandi Nontenja, UDEMWO Secretary General The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) remains unceasingly appalled by [...]

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Recent student deaths by poisoning; UDM calls for urgent action to address mental health at schools

2024-05-11T07:43:46+02:00May 11th, 2024|2024 Archive, Higher and Basic Education, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe, Youth Issues|

Statement by Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is deeply concerned about [...]

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Release of the UDM’s Ten Point Plan for the Eastern Cape: Speaking notes for Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP

2024-05-10T13:18:39+02:00May 10th, 2024|2024 Archive, 2024 Election Campaign, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Bantu Holomisa, Corruption and clean governance, Crime, Economy, Elections, Farm attacks & rural crime, Food security, Government, Health, Higher and Basic Education, Infrastructure development, Job creation, Local government, Police, Rural development and land reform, SOPA, Speeches, Tourism, Traditional leadership, Transport|

Speaking notes for Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP and President of the United Democratic Movement at the Release of the UDM’s [...]

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Burning of the flag is the same as stealing from the people through corruption; in fact, the latter is even worse

2024-05-08T11:39:50+02:00May 8th, 2024|2024 Archive, Arts & Culture, Corruption and clean governance, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Statement by Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has taken note of [...]

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Treatment of Zolani Njiva by the City of Cape Town Traffic Services: a case study of the treatment of the taxi industry in Cape Town and whether the City is wilfully killing the industry

2024-05-07T21:47:16+02:00May 7th, 2024|2024 Archive, Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, Open Letters, Transport|

Mr Geordin Hill-Lewis Executive Mayor of the City of Cape Town Private Bag X9181 Cape Town 8000 Dear Mayor [...]

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ICASA’s ability to handle the issues of network quality monitoring, traffic and tariff tracking and mobile device standards compliance, as well as failed completion of Bid ICASA 27-2022

2024-05-06T08:43:35+02:00May 6th, 2024|Bantu Holomisa, Communications and Digital Technologies, Open Letters|

Mr Mondli Gungubele Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies Private Bag X921 Cape Town 8000 and Mr Enoch Godongwana Minister [...]

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UDM Condemns the ANC Government in The Eastern Cape for Failing to Pay R120 Million to Scholar Transport Operators, Since January

2024-05-04T15:04:55+02:00May 4th, 2024|2024 Archive, Higher and Basic Education, UDM Eastern Cape|

Statement by Bulelani Bobotyane, Provincial Deputy Secretary of the UDM in the Eastern Cape The United Democratic Movement (UDM) [...]

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“30 Years of Democracy – Progress so far and Plans to Accelerate Implementation of Reforms” address by Mthunzi Mdwaba, UDM Gauteng Premier Candidate on behalf of Bantu Holomisa, MP

2024-04-30T09:55:55+02:00April 30th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Economy|

Speaking notes for Mthunzi Mdwaba, UDM Gauteng Premier Candidate on behalf of Bantu Holomisa, MP and President of the [...]

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UDM in KwaZulu-Natal expresses shock at allegations of blatant corruption at the Endumeni Local Municipality funding IFP election campaigns

2024-04-26T14:16:26+02:00April 26th, 2024|2024 Archive, Corruption and clean governance, Local government, Media statements: UDM KwaZulu-Natal|

Media Statement by Cllr Remington Mazibuko, Provincial Chairperson of the UDM in KwaZulu Natal This morning a large convoy of [...]

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More than two weeks into the second school term, yet the Western Cape Department of Education fails to place learners in school

2024-04-26T08:02:37+02:00April 26th, 2024|2024 Archive, Higher and Basic Education, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Media Statement by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has noted [...]

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Bantu Holomisa met the forgotten South Africans who live on the West Rand

2024-04-23T18:13:42+02:00April 23rd, 2024|2024 Archive, 2024 Election Campaign, Bantu Holomisa, Housing & human settlements, Job creation, Media statements: UDESMO, Poverty, Water & sanitation, Yongama Zigebe, Youth Issues|

Media Statement by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement Citizens residing in the West Rand warmly [...]

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Various allegations of impropriety and corruption against the Chief Financial Officer and the Executive Mayor of the Alfred Nzo District Municipality in the Eastern Cape

2024-04-23T15:20:29+02:00April 23rd, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Cooperative governance, Corruption and clean governance, Local government, Open Letters|

Mr Z Williams Eastern Cape MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Private Bag X0026 Bhisho 5605 and Cllr [...]

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Free to protest, but why are South Africans burning down the house whilst dodging rubber bullets?

2024-04-23T09:03:51+02:00April 23rd, 2024|2024 Archive, Human rights, Media statements: UDM, Police brutality, Service delivery, Yongama Zigebe|

Opinion Piece by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement During the apartheid era, South Africans lacked [...]

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Bantu Holomisa meets and greets Jo’burgers of various walks of life: shocking conditions at Motsoaledi and Nomzamo

2024-04-22T15:51:20+02:00April 22nd, 2024|2024 Archive, 2024 Election Campaign, Democracy and electoral reform, Human rights, Media statements: UDM, Yongama Zigebe|

Media Statement by Mr Yongama Zigebe, Secretary General of the United Democratic Movement United Democratic Movement (UDM) President, Bantu [...]

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Tens of thousands of unemployed teachers and SA doctors; yet our schools and hospitals lack professionals

2024-04-20T00:02:31+02:00April 20th, 2024|Corruption and clean governance, Health, Higher and Basic Education, Job creation, Media statements: UDM, Nqabayomzi Kwankwa|

Media Statement by Mr Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP, UDM Deputy President and Chief Whip Recently, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko, Gauteng's MEC for Health [...]

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Matters that have been raised with Presidency: the plight of South Africa’s creatives in relation to the Copyright Amendment Bill and Performers Rights Amendment Bill as well as the status of the SATBVC pensioners case

2024-04-18T08:55:19+02:00April 17th, 2024|2024 Archive, Arts & Culture, Bantu Holomisa, Open Letters, SATBVC pensions|

Mr MC Ramaphosa President of the Republic of South Africa Private Bag X1000 Pretoria 0001 Dear Mr President Matters [...]

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Letter to Secretary of Parliament: Allegations in regard to a Transnet tugboats tender, the disposal of Viamax and the Public Protector/KPMG forensic investigation

2024-04-17T07:29:42+02:00April 17th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Corruption and clean governance, Open Letters, Public Protector, State Capture Inquiry, State Owned Enterprises, Transnet, Zondo Commission, Zondo Commission|

Mr Xolile George Office of the Secretary to Parliament Parliament of the Republic of South Africa PO Box 15 [...]

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Letter to Public Protector: allegations in regard to a Transnet tugboats tender, the disposal of Viamax and the Public Protector/KPMG forensic investigation

2024-04-17T11:12:09+02:00April 17th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Corruption and clean governance, Open Letters, Public Enterprises, Public Protector, State Capture Inquiry, State Owned Enterprises, Transnet, Transport|

20240417_Replying Affidavit Sharma Advocate Kholeka Gcaleka Public Protector South Africa Private Bag X677 Pretoria 0001 [...]

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Nxesi’s Labour Activation Programme places the UIF beneficiaries’ security in jeopardy: the whole premise is off

2024-04-05T09:51:01+02:00April 5th, 2024|2024 Archive, Job creation, Labour, Media statements: UDM, Nqabayomzi Kwankwa|

Statement by Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, UDM Deputy President and Chief Whip Tomorrow's Phase 1, the provincial rollout in Gauteng, of [...]

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Bulldozing Electoral Matters Amendment Bill through Parliament is cruel and sounds the death knell for democracy in South Africa

2024-03-05T10:23:55+02:00March 5th, 2024|2024 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Democracy and electoral reform|

Mr MC Ramaphosa President of the Republic of South Africa Private Bag X1000 Pretoria 0001 Dear Mr President Bulldozing Electoral [...]

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Bantu Holomisa Keynote at the UDM’s 2024 Elections Manifesto Launch

2024-03-02T10:54:32+02:00March 2nd, 2024|2024 Archive, 2024 Election Campaign, Bantu Holomisa, Coalition government, Corruption and clean governance, Economy, Elections, Electricity, Environment, Government, Illegal Immigration, Infrastructure development, Job creation, Land, Loadshedding, Police, Safety and security, SONA, Speeches|

Speech by Bantu Holomisa, MP and President of the United Democratic Movement at the UDM Manifesto launch of the [...]

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Damning report on judicial corruption in South Africa purportedly drafted by resigned Director-General for State Security

2023-11-27T15:34:42+02:00November 27th, 2023|2023 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Intelligence, Justice, Open Letters|

Mr Jerome Joseph Maake, MP Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence Parliament of the Republic of South Africa PO Box 15 [...]

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